I recommend him to anyone who would like to learn Qigong

I first met Thomas when I did my PhD in Copenhagen. He had just started teaching an introductory Qi Gong class in the international student house there.
From the first class onwards I felt at home with him and his approach and stayed in the class for more than two years, until I left Copenhagen. Thomas was gentle and relaxed in a genuine and wholesome way, an authentic person whom I very much enjoyed to be around. He cared about everyone in the class and created a safe space for playful exploration and learning. I looked forward to every class. Over time, the circle of members learning and practicing Qi Gong turned into a group of friends, good friends. I think that was amazing and beautiful. I am very grateful for having met Thomas and cannot recommend him highly enough to anyone who would like to learn and practice Qi Gong or simply surround themselves with a very authentic, humane and kind person.


Taiji essentials in practise

Essentials in Practising the Taiji Solo Set & Playing Hands

by Li Yiyu

An earlier teacher said: “If you can draw the opponent in to land on nothing, you can then use four ounces of force to move his of a thousand pounds. If you cannot draw the opponent in to land on nothing, you cannot use four ounces to move a thousand pounds.” These words are rather vague and a beginner would not understand them. I will explain further so that those who want this skill are in a position to begin and then after much regular training get to possess it:

If you want to draw the opponent into emptiness and use four ounces to move a thousand pounds, you first must know both yourself and the opponent. If you want to know both yourself and the opponent, you first must let go of your plans and just respond to the opponent. If you want to let go of your plans and just respond to the opponent, you first must be in the right place at the right time. If you want to be in the right place at the right time, you first must get your whole body to behave as one unit. If you want to get your whole body to behave as one unit, you first must get your whole body to be without cracks or gaps. If you want to get your whole body to be without cracks or gaps, you first must get your spirit and energy to be ready. If you want your spirit and energy to be ready, you first must rouse your spirit. If you want to rouse your spirit, you must first keep it from being distracted. If you want to keep your spirit from being distracted, you first must get your spirit and energy to gather and collect in your spine. If you want to get your spirit and energy to gather and collect in your spine, you first must get the front of your thighs to have strength, get your shoulders to loosen, and get your energy to sink downward.

Power starts from your heel, is transferred through your leg, stored in your chest, moved at your shoulders, and controlled at your waist. In your upper body, your arms are connected with each other. In your lower body, your legs are coordinated with each other. Power is transferred from within. Gathering is contracting. Releasing is expanding. When becoming still, everything becomes still. Stillness refers to contracting. When contraction finishes, there will be expansion. When there is movement, everything moves. Movement refers to expanding. When expansion finishes, there will be contraction. Then when there is contact, you can turn smoothly and will be strong everywhere. You will then be able to draw the opponent in to land on nothing and use four ounces of force to move his of a thousand pounds.

Whenever you practice the solo set, it is the practice of knowing yourself. Before moving through the postures, make sure your whole body is in accord with the principles as stated above. When the slightest part is off, immediately adjust it. To facilitate this, the set should be done slowly rather than quickly. Playing hands is the practice of knowing the opponent. His movement and stillness must be firmly comprehended. Still examine yourself as well. If I am in good order myself, then when the opponent comes near me, I do not need to act upon him at all, but take advantage of his momentum to find a way in. Connecting firmly to his power, I let him cause himself to fall out. If you do not have a strong position, this is simply a case of double pressure rather than neutralization, and you should seek within passive and active, or contracting and expanding, to fix it. It is said [Art of War, chapter 3]: “Knowing both self and opponent, in a hundred battles you will have a hundred victories.”

Reference: THE TAIJI MANUAL OF GU RUZHANG | Brennan Translation

International Push Hands Meeting in Linz Austria 2017

Date: 25. – 26. Feb. 2017; Time 9:30 – 12:30, 14:00 – 17:00

It will be a friendly meeting to learn and refine the Tuishou Partner-work. In the morning there will be two workshops and in the afternoon it is the time for the free Partner-work. It is done in a playful manner, open for Beginners as well every level of experience.

Workshops guided by;
Thomas Juul Dyhr (Denmark), 18 years of intense training in Neijia, Qigong, Daoist and Buddhist Meditation, Student of Master Sam Tam. Websites:http://neigong.net/ http://qgg.dk/

Marlon Hofbauer Taiji teacher and student in the line of Huang Sheng Shyan, main influence by Wee Kee Jin, and Alois Riedler a Senior Student of Patrick Kelly. Further good impulses I got from a visit at the Malayan and Singapur Huang Taiji Schools, as well from Teacher Sam Tam.

Fixed Pattern Partnerwork as Wee Kee Jin teaches with focus on sticking, yielding and follow no resistance no disconnection. Loosening exercises for cultivating whole body connection. Fajin releasing the relaxed elastic force.

Taiji Partner Exercise – Learn to move effortlessly with integrity and awareness Ting jin with the 3 Basic Circles of Push hands.

Registration and Info:Marlon Haufbauer
Marlon Haufbauer +43 0660/5332959 or email 00001@gmx.at

Workshops will be taught in German and English.
Venue: Raimundstraße 23,: Lenaupark, Linz, Austria
Cost: Euro 100,–

All participants of the workshop are self-responsible. In case of accidents no liability is taken on.

pushhands-meeting-english (pdf)
pushhands-treffen-deutsch (pdf)

Taiji og qigong spire videre i mit hverdagsliv

Jeg er blevet undervist af Thomas i 1 halvt år. Begyndte at lave taiji i 2007. Jeg begyndte på taiji og qigong af 3 hovedgrunde. For det første ønskede jeg at ændre en mega spændt krop – af fodbold og skovarbejde. En krop der konstant røg ud i skader og som osse fik disse ord med på vejen af en massør” Hvis du var et dyr var du blevet aflivet!” Den anden grund var ønsket om at få alle mine ukontrollerede tanker til at slappe lidt af med deres extreme bombardement af mit væsen.  Sidst men ikke mindst så ønskede jeg at dyrke noget i et fællesskab, hvor der var kropskontakt ala leg, dans og kamp.

Undervisning hos Thomas, Qigong Gentofte:  Mærker at når selv små og simple kropsjusteringer og holdningsændringer implementeres  så forandres  hele min tilstedeværelse i min daglige gøren og laden.

Der anvendes en træning der bla.a. bruger  konkrete eksempler fra naturen, hvor vi spejler os i træernes, buskenes, græssets o.s.v.s lette og ubekymrede væren.

Thomas er en lærer der lader det der sker komme under en ærlig og kærlig lup. Hvilket giver mig selv en unik mulighed for at reflektere og  mærke min egen krop og sinds styrker og mangler. Og således kan der blidt arbejdes videre med det..

Mængden af øvelser Thomas har i sin rygsæk synes for mig utømmeligt og af stor kvalitet.

Jeg elsker det faktum at  taijien og qigongen der praktiseres i timen bringes med ud af træningslokalet for at spire videre i mit hverdagsliv.

Lars Jensen, Søborg, Danmark

Fra noget til ingenting og tilbage igen

Jeg giver slip for at lande i ingenmandsland.

Himmel og jord er ét.
Cirklen og firkanten er ens.

Nødvendigvis skilles de uden anstrengelse.
Først grænseløs stilhed, så bevægelse uden ende.

Det giver ingen mening at tale om form eller formløshed.
Substans eller ikke substans – hvad er forskellen?

Krop, energi og sind – hvad er det?
Jeg er bare en kanal for naturens kræfter.

Mit sind driver og fylder formen.
Tom men fuld,  udfyldes universet.

Jeg står i centret.
Ser mesteren og tjeneren arbejde.

Når vi ikke tilbyder nogen modstand,
mødes vi med ingen modstand.

Mirakler og Mysterier.
Hverdags ting bydes velkommen som en ven.

Jeg har ikke noget sind som er mit.
Over tid faler dette også væk.

Perfektion i imperfektion.
Imperfektion i perfektion.

Det virker som om jeg er her, men det er jeg ikke.
Jeg er ikke, men jeg er lige her.

Andre kan ikke fatte det.
Jeg kan ikke begribe det heller.

Naturligvis – er det ok.

( Digt om befrielsen af sindet, hjertet og intentionen “Shen, Xin & Yi” i åndeligt arbejde som: Stående Meditation, Qigong, Neigong, Neijia og Taiji )